Information Bar
There are also several buttons conveniently located at the top of your trading floor. These include (please click on a link to see information pertaining to each topic):
- Home
- Currency
- Options
- Help
- Logout
- Home
This is the page that you see in the Order Center upon initially logging in to your trading floor in the Live Open Marketplace. You can also view this page by selecting the "Home" button from the top of your trading floor.
The Home page summarizes all activity on your trading floor. This includes information regarding matches, offers, negotiations, updates, and currency rate changes.
- Tools
This button opens the currency converter and daily currency rate table (DCRT). Featured at the top of the DCRT, our currency converter automatically converts the your specified currency into the currency of choice. The DCRT gives you the ability to view the daily currency rates being used by the Live Open Marketplace.
- Options
Selecting this button allows you to change or update your personal settings. Simply click on the " Options " button at the top of your trading floor screen. You have the ability to change your currency selection, email address, phone number, cellular number, fax number, and password. To confirm any changes to your personal settings, click "Submit Changes".
- Help
To view this Help document.
- Logout
To logout or exit your trading floor and the Live Open Marketplace.